Final Multipier Event of the REGROW Project

In many EU countries, there is a major shortage of young skilled workers, especially in SMEs. As a result, the growth prospects and competitiveness of SMEs are negatively affected. At the same time, many SMEs also have problems integrating the new recruits properly into the company and building a relationship based on mutual satisfaction. That this is increasingly not achieved on both sides is shown by studies on employee satisfaction as well as employer surveys.

As part of the EU-Co-funded project REGROW, we have developed, tested and implemented concrete solutions for SMEs, to tackle this problem together with business support organizations. We presented these solutions at our conference.


00 REGROW Conference – Invitation and Program
01 REGROW Conference – Wildt – Welcome
02 REGROW Conference Schaumann – millennials-gen-z
03 REGROW Conference Frevel – Competence Assessment
04 REGROW Conference Potisepp – HR-Management Training course – implementation and results
05 REGROW Conference Kuusk – HR-Management Training – platform for better results
06 REGROW Conference Anker_Engelsk Mentor træning
07 REGROW Conference – Frackowiak_Szkolenia Mentoring training in SMEs
08 REGROW Conference – Palmi Lindjärv – Limited budget
09 REGROW Conference – Kitam – Multikey
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